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The Turtle Lives On…

Earlier this month, March 2013, I was cleaning up my favorites folder and came across the 2010 “Steampunk Turtle Rocks” posting from EcoTechNinja.com.
I decided to investigate more about this creation and found more great pictures and projects from the same creator Lisa Black.

I am amazed of how this project made me think of how much respect and insight it takes for any of us to create something we interpret from our minds along with the universal guidance in our intuitions to our hands.
Some write. Some build. Some dream. All creates…

“Artist Lisa Black has created a mechanical turtle that mimics the creature’s movements. Black’s Mechanical Fixed Turtle truly captures the oldest species walking on this planet.

The steampunk style mechanical turtle boasts an enormous amount of realism partly because of the amazing artistry behind but also because the slow methodical movements of a turtle are perfect for being mimicked by mechanical engineering.” [http://www.ecotechninja.com/outdoor-devices/steampunk-turtle-rocks-42777/]
  • For more information check out Black’s site: www.lisablackcreations.com

Source and more of Lisa’s projects can be found @ http://www.behance.net/LisaBlack/frame/121431


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